I'm hoping that all the middle school science teachers are in the science & sustainability groups...if not I posted this in those groups and thought the high interest content might be of interest to many MS teachers dealing with enviornmental issues.
Best quote from Colbert...
"It's a disgusting plastic cesspool out there" - Charles Moore
Caught this great interview with Capt. Charles Moore of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation last night on the Colbert Report...
I've actually been following this story for a while, so if you want a more serious interview you can check out Capt. Charles Moore at TED:
And here's a great, very student friendly article on the patch from the Sierra Club Magazine with some stunning pictures:
Message in a Bottle
By David Ferris
Seabirds are starving with bellies full of trash. Fur seals in New Zealand poop shards of yellow and blue. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of Texas. Now the bad news: Plastic never goes away, and scientists are finding that it absorbs toxins with spongelike efficiency. The fix? Cut it off at the source.