Just recently started a unit for ding a youth summit in May at our school. As part of the summit students in my classes have written two poems..."Voices/Voces" about the voice of the community and community arts, and "Hip-Hop is...", their interpretation of hip-hop and hip-hop community work. Their work will be broadcast on Vocalo, a division of public radio in Chicago.
What has been most amazing is how fast these reordings have been processed....students record them on a USB Mlue mic in class ($99), and then we have a rap music producer process them using pre-recorded music in Garage Band for the Mac. Most of these poems took about ten minutes to compress, process, and edit. Pretty amazing when fifteen years ago, this would have taken an hour for each...
I hope the uploads work, and that you are able to hear some of these pieces...they are super!
I would love to hear more ideas on doing such work in class....