This came from an MC POPPER, Nicola Vitale. Nic is a friend and former co-worker from the South Bronx who runs a lot of his 9th grade science classes out on the Bronx River - very cool guy with a facinating science program.
The event looks like a fun way to get your "science nerd" on and the suggest people replicate the project in their cities/ schools. They even toss in some Emily Dickinson poetry and invite folks to add poetry, art, video and literature to the mix!
Save the Date: Friday, September 11 (rain date: September 12) Starting at Dusk
The First Annual NYC (and surrounding area) Cricket Crawl
The cricket sang,
And set the sun,
And workmen finished, one by one,
Their seam the day upon.
The low grass loaded with the dew,
The twilight stood as strangers do
With hat in hand, polite and new,
To stay as if, or go.
A vastness, as a neighbor, came,--
A wisdom without face or name,
A peace, as hemispheres at home,--
And so the night became.
- Emily Dickinson
A one night project for anyone interested in crickets and katydids

Help us count crickets and katydids in the New York City area
All you need are good ears, the ability to learn the simple calls of 7 species, and a cell phone.
For Details and Instructions go to the Cricket Crawl Website:
To enlarge this study of local crickets and katydids, we are also looking for art, poetry, video and literature
on the subject of crickets and katydids to be posted on the Cricket Crawl website.
Please send submissions to Proteus Gowanus, at
Note: This project is designed so it can be replicated in any city with singing insects....
Please feel free to take the idea and recreate it locally. Results and information will be posted back at the site.
Contact Sam Droege ( for further information.
The Cricket Crawl is a collaborative venture among the following organizations:
American Museum of Natural History
Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), New York - North Jersey Young Members
New York Entomological Society
Proteus Gowanus Interdisciplinary Gallery and Reading Room
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Discover Life