Data Wise: Step-by-Step Blueprint for Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning June 20-25, 2010 | Application Deadline: April 16, 2010 Data Wise guides you through an introduction to a systematic process for using school assessment data—from annual standardized tests to daily class work—as a catalyst for improving the quality of education in your school. (learn more)
Connecting the Mind, Brain and Education June 21-25, 2010 The Mind, Brain and Education institute will help you apply current research to challenges in your own teaching, research and curriculum development, providing you with a firm understanding of the links between cognitive science, neuroscience and educational practice. (learn more)
Redesigning High Schools for Improved Instruction June 27-July 2, 2010 The institute curriculum provides the theories, knowledge, practices and tools necessary to redesign high schools so that they can become powerful learning environments for students and adults. (learn more)
Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership June 29-July 7, 2010 | Application Deadline: April 23, 2010 Designed for school leaders in the early stages of their careers, the institute will help you to expand your leadership skills, explore how to enhance student learning and create success for yourself and your school. (learn more)
Harvard Institute for School Leadership: Leadership for Large-Scale Improvement July 6-12, 2010 | Application Deadline: April 16, 2010 The institute is designed specifically for district teams to develop the skills and strategies necessary to significantly improve instruction in classrooms, schools and school districts. (learn more)
Universal Design for Learning: Reaching All Learners July 6-10, 2010 | Application Deadline: May 14, 2010 Universal Design for Learning: Reaching All Learners will prepare you to meet the challenge of engaging all learners with diverse needs, abilities and backgrounds and will provide you with practical, hands-on solutions for reaching and teaching them. (learn more)
Closing the Achievement Gap: Strategies for Excellence with Equity July 8-12, 2010 | Application Deadline: May 14, 2010 By examining effective teacher, student, parent and community engagement you will learn how to raise achievement levels for all students, while narrowing the gaps between groups. You will return to your school or district with a concrete strategy to engage key stakeholders in striving for excellence with equity. (learn more)
Leadership: An Evolving Vision July 15-22, 2010 | Application Deadline: April 23, 2010 The institute, designed for experienced school leaders, will help you to strengthen your leadership and management skills and revitalize your personal vision of leadership. (learn more)
National Institute for Urban School Leaders July 28-August 2, 2010 | Application Deadline: April 23, 2010 Refine your leadership skills, increase your understanding of what constitutes effective teaching and learning, examine successful practices from urban settings, set high expectations for achievement and explore strategies that promote student engagement in schools. (learn more)
Future of Learning August 2-6, 2010 The Future of Learning is designed to help you understand how societal changes and technological advancements affect the way students learn. You will also consider the implications of these changes on educational practice. (learn more)
Programs in Professional Education is pleased to announce a new professional development program presented in collaboration with The Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University. Closing the Achievement Gap: Strategies for Excellence with Equity is designed for educators from settings at the fourth-grade level through high school.
Participants will learn how to raise achievement levels for all students, while narrowing the gaps between groups. They will return to their school or district with a concrete strategy to engage key stakeholders in striving for excellence with equity. Leading achievement gap researcher and Harvard University professor, Ronald Ferguson, will chair the program. (learn more)
The Harvard Club of Delaware is offering full scholarships for a limited number of Delaware educators to attend upcoming professional development institutes at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
The goal of the scholarship program is to encourage, support and strengthen teaching and learning in Delaware, and to provide enhanced professional growth opportunities for educators. To date, more than 130 teachers, principals and other school leaders have taken advantage of the scholarship program. (learn more)
WIDE World has over 40 years of combined research and practice to support and engage educators and school leaders. They work closely with schools to foster dramatic improvements in instructional culture by providing research-based, job-embedded and highly effective online professional development programs for teachers and school leaders to cultivate the critical learning students need for the 21st century world. (learn more)
The Harvard University Graduate School of Design is pleased to announce the launch of a new program targeted towards K-12 educators. The program, Effective Education and Innovative Learning Environments, engages architects and educators in the design of K-12 learning spaces based on a research understanding of effective educational deliveries, the social aspects of learning and a future defined in large part by information technology. (learn more)