The only reason I even understood any science was when it was presented via infographics worthy of art galleries. As I kid I was always totally engroseed in Roy A. Galliant's book Our Universe
This text made the infinite and invisible tangible to my small mind. Galliant's work is incredible stuff for us visual learners.
The November 2009 Wired did an incredible design update of Galliant's 1950's textbooks. I'm afraid this article really requires you to have a nice glossy version print edition in your hands. That being said, Wired actually has the whole article available as a PDF at their website. In the meantime, samples anyone?
**** Classic 1950s Science Textbooks Get a 21st-Century Update
The textbooks written by Roy A. Gallant taught a generation of students that science could also be art. But research progresses and artistic methods evolve.