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Another Cool NYTimes Lesson Plan:


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WHODUNNIT?: Examining the "Science" in Forensic Science

A Hit in School, Maggots and All, By NATALIE ANGIER,May 19, 2009

Catherine Hutchings, The New York Times Learning Network


Media Studies
Social Studies

In this lesson, students reflect on forensic science and its popularity and then act as forensic experts investigating photographs of Frances Glessner Lee's miniature crime-scene dioramas.

1-2 class periods

In small groups, have students participate in a "List, Group, Label" activity. Read the teacher instructions "List, Group, Label" Teacher for more information about setting up and implementing the activity in your classroom.

The following words are suggestions. Make selections to meet your specific needs and objectives taking into account your students' prior knowledge about forensic science. A list of additional, related words not found in the article itself are provided as alternate suggestions.

Words for "List, Label, Group" Activity:
putrefying, microscope, pupating, DNA, maggots, bag, curriculum, technique, toxicology, anatomy, extracted, analyze, entomology, force, spatters, hair, imprints, fabric, teeth, soil, grooves, ballistics, detritus, math, casts, fingerprints.

Alternate Words for Consideration:
tracks, bite, striations, lie, profile, detection, psychological, digital tracking, cyberspies, evidence, photogrammetry, database, labs, unexplained, courtroom, testify, probabilities, identity

Provide each group with your choice of words and a copy of the "List, Group, Label" student handout.

After students have categorized and defined the words, invite them to share their thoughts about the topic. Students new to forensic science might discuss questions such as:

-What do you know about forensic science? Where does your information come from? Would you like to take a forensic science course and, if so, what would you hope to learn?
-What television shows have you seen about forensics and solving crimes? Where do you think the shows get their information? Do you think these shows accurately apply forensic techniques to their fictional cases?
-Why do you think this field is considered a science?

Students who already have some experience with forensics might be asked:

-What specialty areas of forensics do you know of? Which of these areas might the article be about?
-What techniques are used to collect and analyze the different types of evidence? What can investigators learn from ______ at a crime scene?
-Can you think of examples where C.S.I.-type television shows have sometimes "gotten it wrong" by inaccurately depicting investigative or laboratory techniques or misrepresenting scientific facts?

To visually preview the premise of the article and further acquaint students with the topic you may have the class watch The New York Times Video "Popular Science?"

As a class, read and discuss the article "A Hit in School, Maggots and All," focusing on the following questions:

a. What are the students in Mr. Rubins's class learning about science through the study of forensics? What are the benefits of teaching forensics? How might detractors argue against forensic science classes at the high school level?
b. What influence has television and the mass media had on the decision for schools to offer forensic science courses?
c. What role might forensic science courses play, if any, in the effort to improve science education in America?

Show the class a crime scene sketch or photograph. For those who do not have such images available via a forensics textbook, one option might be to use photographs from the Times slideshow, "Visible Proofs: Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death." These "studies" were originally created by a Chicago heiress named Frances Glessner Lee to teach police recruits the art of observation. (For more information read the 2004 Times article about Mrs. Lee and her Nutshell Laboratories.)
Have students discuss the image by asking:
-What do you notice in the scene?
-How would a crime scene investigator approach or 'process' this scene?
-What might have happened to the victim?
Note ideas on chart paper or a classroom board.

Next, have small groups investigate the crime scene images more closely. Tell groups that they will be acting as crime scene investigators in charge of "collecting evidence" from the crime scene in the image. Provide groups with:

-computer access to or printed copies of the images
-a copy of the handout "Bagging the Evidence"
-online access or a hard copy of the Science Times Special Issue "The New Forensics"
-additional texts, articles or Web sites on current advances in the forensic sciences

Explain that groups will use the student handout to add "callout boxes" that document the evidence they might find and collect if this were an actual crime scene. Students new to forensics might use the handout and photos to research the basics about three types of evidence that could be found at the scene. Students with more background knowledge of forensic science might be divided into groups based on different areas of expertise. For example, one group would be in charge of "fingerprints," while another would be in charge of "DNA." Another group might create a "psychological profile" of the victim or be in charge of a "toxicology" report. This would require groups to go into more detail about their area of expertise and might be useful as a review of what they have learned or as an in-class assessment.

According to their ability level, callout boxes ask students to include information about the value of the evidence to investigators, common misconceptions that might be promoted through the media, recent scientific advances in each subspecialty of forensics and facts about the use and validity of the evidence in a court of law. Have students use articles from The Special Issue "The New Forensics" that relate to the areas of forensics they are investigating. Remind students that they should include accurate, scientifically-based details about the evidence, not to simply restate what they have heard or seen in the media. To help achieve this goal, have students cite their source of information in the callout boxes.

When all groups are ready, have them use the photos and their completed callout boxes to present what they learned to the class. The class might then discuss inconsistencies and work as a group to better understand the crime in the photo or revisit their initial impressions of the scene.

For homework or in future classes, students design and conduct a hands-on investigation into one evidence type or subspecialty of forensic science. For example, students might conduct an investigation in forensic entomology similar to Mr. Rubins's class experiment with a chicken carcass. Or they might conduct a fingerprint investigation, combining hands-on fingerprinting with research about typical patterns found in fingerprints and how computers and data bases are used to analyze fingerprints. Students interested in physics or math might create a blood splatter experiment to investigate how speed, height and angle affects the size and spread of droplet patterns.

Students might also watch a criminology show on TV and write "production notes" to the directors about the use of their specific area of expertise, possibly pointing out inaccuracies or providing guidelines for improvement.

As a final project, depending on student interest and time, the class might even combine what they learn from their experiments to create a mock crime scene for another class to solve.

Related Times Resources:

Forensic Science DNA Evidence False Arrests, Convictions and Imprisonments Education and Schools

  • OTHER RESOURCES: American Academy of Forensic Sciences "A Professional Society Dedicated to the Application of Science and Law" Visible Proofs: Forensic Views of the Body
    Exhibit at the National Library of Medicine which featured Mrs. Lee's "Nutshell Studies"
    Comprehensive, student-friendly guide to topics and careers in the forensic sciences
    Montreal Science Center
    Link to the Science Center's Interactive Forensic Science Game: "Autopsy of a Murder"

    Language Arts – Read one of the short articles by Elizabeth Svoboda in the "Case Files" collection, which includes
    "The Early Days of Toxicology: Poisonous Powder," "Cold Case Is Closed by DNA Match: Green River Killer"
    and other related articles. Use one of these cases as inspiration to write an original episode or scene for a popular television show of the crime scene or mystery genres.

    Mathematics - Study and review The New York Times Graphic "From 2-D Photo to 3-D Crime Scene".
    Using a digital camera, take photographs of an actual classroom or known location. Then, put the principles of forensic photogrammetry into practice by comparing the geometry (distances, heights and angles) of your two-dimensional image with the actual three-dimensional space.

    Grades 6-12
    Science Standard 11 - Understands the nature of scientific knowledge
    Science Standard 13 - Understands the scientific enterprise
    Civics Standard 18 - Understands the role and importance of law in the American constitutional system and issues regarding the judicial protection of individual rights
    Technology Standard 3 - Understands the relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual
    Language Arts Standard 4 - Gathers and uses information for research purposes

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