Making Curriculum Pop

Great short from The Story Collider about the fallibility of heroes. If kid's don't know about  Sir David Attenborough you might show a clip from the super famous BBC Planet Earth series before listening to this podcast - anything from this BBC Earth playlist will do as he's the narrator.

From there - a summary:

Ed Yong is ecstatic to get an interview with his hero, Sir David Attenborough, but he's not prepared for a lesson in what having a science hero really means.

Ed Yong is an award-winning science writer. His blog Not Exactly Rocket Science is hosted by National Geographic, and his work has also appeared in Wired, Nature, the BBC, New Scientist and more. His first book I CONTAIN MULTITUDES--about how microbes influence the lives of every animal, from humans to squid to wasps--will be published in 2016.

And the podcast...

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