Making Curriculum Pop

Funny animation from political cartoonist Mark Fiore (full story HERE). You will probably have to click over to Vimeo to watch it but I have placed the description and links below. Excellent teaching tool because he includes sources to support his toons!

The Climateers! from MarkFiore on Vimeo.

Contrary to popular belief, global warming did not end because of the Polar Vortex.  If all you did was watch mainstream cable news, you'd think the entire world was covered with snow and freezing.  While it's made for some great icy news footage, the media have portrayed a pretty United States-centric view of the world.  Actually, it's a half-the-United States-centric view of the world.  California, for example, is in drought conditions and there are forest fires happening in normally snow covered and rain-soaked mountains!
It's so tempting to base your entire world view of climate change on local, or even national, weather conditions, but we should really leave that determination up to the scientists.  They're smart, they've studied this stuff for years and a huge, gigantic and vaster than vast majority of them agree that the extreme climate change we're experiencing is our own damn fault.  End of story.
The best term I've heard that is much more fitting than "global warming" is "global weirding."  That term more accurately describes the weird weather conditions we are and will continue to experience.  Changes in weather will do much more than delay flights, they will most likely change the course of, um, civilization.  That's how The Climateers came about-- a fun-loving bunch of misfits and sometimes killers out to change the world.  I hope you enjoy the cartoon, if you share it far and wide I will be eternally grateful.  And as usual, you can find more links to stories behind this cartoon on my website.


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