Making Curriculum Pop

This is a classic example example of odd research interpretation - esp. when it comes to the education as human capitol discourse. Ever notice how no one can ever really define a "good teacher" in these video clips? Instead they should "love kids and what they do in their off time?...some people are just good teachers, man!" What can I say, these clips drive me bonkers.

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Oh man.  This could definitely FIRE one up!  The nerve that teachers don't get better over time.  Then why should any of us do any type of professional development?   And then the expectations of our off time being dedicated to the kids.  What about our own time? Giving time to our families?  Teaching is such a time consuming, physically exhausting, mentally and emotionally attached job that teachers do need their down time.  Teachers would burn out if we were expected to devote every minute of the day.  And regarding money...if we were actually paid what we deserve versus such a low paying salary we might have more respect in the community.   - My own Monday morning opinions.
This guy is CNN's go to dude on education and I find most of his thoughts to be - well, not that thoughtful.  It kind of left me speechless.

Wow.  Kickball game organization as a pre-req to effective instruction.  Are you kidding me????? Basically he is suggesting (in my opinion), that pre-service preparation doesn't matter, pd doesn't matter, curriculum doesn't matter....... I don't even know where to begin my rebuttal.  I see some kids outside, I think I will go out to them to begin "teaching" them how to make paper airplanes or something.....

I know, as I said above, it did leave me a bit speechless.  Makes me wonder what his dissertation was about but he is clearly a big booster of the Waiting for Superman agenda (I see him quite a bit on CNN).  "How do you know? - you just know!" OMG scary, eh?




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