From the Classroom 2.0 Ning...
Date: Sat., January 16, 2010
Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: (Links to the meeting room and other time zones can be found at
This Saturday, January 16, Kim Caise, Lorna Costantini and Peggy George will be hosting another Classroom 2.0 LIVE show. As an extension to the Classroom 2.0 Ning community, Classroom 2.0 "LIVE" shows are opportunities to gather with other educators in real-time events, complete with audio, chat and desktop sharing. A Google calendar of upcoming shows is available at If you haven't used Elluminate before, we encourage you to view this tutorial to prepare for the Elluminate session:
The topic this Sat. will be "Civil War Technology Projects" with "Civil War Sallie" . 'Civil War Sallie' will share with us her passion for how she, as a middle school student, teaches other students about the Civil War and how to use technology. More information and session details are at If you've never participated in a live webinar, don't be afraid to come and observe. 'Dip your toes in' the conversations until you feel comfortable enough to "jump into the conversations with both feet"! We want to encourage "experienced Web 2.0 users" to join us by contributing and extending the conversation by sharing real-life examples and tips/suggestions.
On the Classroom 2.0 LIVE! site ( you'll find the recordings from our recent "2009 - A Year in Review". Click on the "Archives and Resources" tab to view this and past recordings.
Special thanks to our sponsor, Elluminate, for providing the forum that allows us to do this!
Kim Caise
Elluminate/LearnCentral Community Facilitator
Flat Classroom (tm) Project Administrator
Classroom 2.0 LIVE! Co-host
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