Making Curriculum Pop

I am the author of numerous nonfiction books, including The Horrors of Andersonville: Life and Death in a Civil War Prison, published earlier this year by Lerner Books. The Junior Library Guild has selected this book for inclusion in its best books for 2010.  I am working my publisher to promote this book and have begun scheduling appearances fro 2011 to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the start of the American Civil War. My presentations focus on the media of the times relative to the treatment of Union soldiers inside Andersonville. Much of that media was sensationalized by an outraged North that demanded retribution. The arrest, trial and subsequent execution of the camp's commandant, however, remains a legal controversy even today. Did Captain Wirz intentionally withhold shelter, food and medicine from the prisoners under his charge--or were there other factors beyond his control, including the refusal of Union leaders to agree to a prisoner exchange--that contributed to this grim chapter of American history?
The book has relevance today, of course, given our on-going war in the Middle East and the debate over the ethical treatment of prisoners. More information on the book is below and can also be found at my website:
I'd love to hear from any of you who might have read the book to get reader responses. If not, please visit my website to learn a bit more about The Horrors of Andersonville!
Catherine Gourley

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