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THE CULTURE WARS: Examining Recent Trends in Social Policies Regarding Abortion and Gay Rights

Faking Left, By ROSS DOUTHAT,May 18, 2009

Sarah Kavanagh, The New York Times Learning Network


American History
Language Arts
Social Studies

In this lesson, students will create a timeline of recent events relating to gay rights and/or abortion and then write letters to President Obama expressing their views on one of these issues.

1-2 class periods

Write the phrase "culture wars" on the center of the classroom board. Ask students to define "war" and write their responses on the board next to the word "war". Then ask them to define "culture" and write their responses next to the word "culture". Next, ask students if they have ever heard the phrase "culture wars". What do they think the term means? What political issues do they think might be considered a part of the "culture wars"? Why? (Include gay rights and abortion on the list). If they do not already know, tell them that this phrase is commonly used to refer to certain American political debates. Ask them. How do these issues relate to "culture," and in what ways has America been "at war" about them recently?

2. Explain that the Op-Ed column they are about to read was written by the new conservative Times columnist, Ross Douthat. This is one of Douthat's first columns for the Times. As a class, read and discuss "Faking Left" focusing on the following questions:
a. What does Ross Douthat mean when he says that President Obama should "engage on abortion, and punt on gay rights"? Why does he think this? Do you agree? Why or why not?
b. Does Mr. Douthat believe that President Obama's stance on both abortion and gay rights makes political sense? Besides politics, what else do you think President Obama should be keeping in mind? Do you think his stance makes moral sense? Constitutional sense? Why or why not?
c. What does Mr. Douthat mean when he says that over the course of American history there has been an expansion of rights that "steadily erodes the limits on individual choice established by law and custom"? Can you think of a historical example of this? Should we continue down this path? Why or why not?
d. Why does Mr. Douthat think that the picture is different when it comes to abortion? Do you agree? Why or why not?
e. What do you think President Obama should do about abortion and gay rights?

Tell students that they are going to be creating a timeline of recent events relating to either abortion or gay rights. Inform them that these are two critical social issues now facing the Obama administration due in part to the Supreme Court nomination set to occur within the next few months. If desired, offer background information on the Obama administration's current focus on gay rights and abortion.

Next, split the class into two groups and have one half take on the abortion timeline and the other half take on the gay rights timeline or pick which timeline you would like your class to research. Divide the class into pairs and assign each one event to research for the class timeline. Once students have been assigned an event, have them use the "advanced search" feature on the Times Web site to find articles. They can do this by going to the search feature, and clicking on "go to advanced search". Have them use the handout, "A Times Timeline" to record the information they gather.

For the gay rights timeline, some possible events include: The institution of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy (1993), Supreme Court Case: Romer v. Evans (1996), Congress passes the Defense of Marriage Act (1996), Vermont becoming the first state to recognize same-sex civil unions (2000), Supreme Court Case: Lawrence v. Texas (2003), Massachusetts becoming the first state to recognize same-sex marriages (2004), In eleven states, voters pass amendments to their state constitutions banning same-sex marriage (2004), civil unions become legal in Connecticut (2005), civil unions become legal in New Jersey (2006), House of Representatives approves the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (2007), New York begins recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states (February, 2008), Oregon allows same-sex couples to register as domestic partners allowing them the same legal rights as married couples within their state (February, 2008), the California Supreme Court rules that same-
sex couples have the right to marry (May, 2008), California, Florida, and Arkansas voters pass measures to ban same-sex marriage in their states (November, 2008), the Connecticut Supreme Court rules to legalize same-sex marriage (October 2008), the Iowa Supreme Court rules to legalize same-sex marriage (April, 2009), the Vermont legislature overrides the governor's veto of a bill allowing same-sex couples to marry in Vermont (April 2009), The Maine legislature passes a bill allowing same-sex couples to marry in Maine (May 2009), the New York assembly passes a gay marriage bill (May, 2009), New Hampshire nears a vote on a gay marriage bill (May, 2009).

For the abortion timeline, some possible events include: Supreme Court case: Roe v. Wade (1973), Supreme Court case: Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth (1976), Supreme Court case: Maher v. Roe (1977), Supreme Court case: Harris v. McRae (1980), Supreme Court case: Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989), Supreme Court case: Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, Congress enacts the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (1994), Supreme Court case: NOW v. Scheidler (1994), FDA approves milepristone (2000), the Bush Administration reinstates the global "gag" rule disqualifying countries in which abortion is legal from receiving aid from the United States (2001), Congress passes the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban (2003), The House of Representatives passes the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (2004), President Obama reverses the global gag rule (2009).

Before class, create a timeline on butcher paper of the last four decades and place it in a prominent place in your classroom. Once student work is completed bring the class together for presentations. Instruct students to take notes while their classmates are presenting as they will need the information to complete their homework assignment.
As pairs share their research, write the name of their event and a very brief explanation on the correct spot on the timeline. To close each presentation, have pairs adhere their handout to the timeline.

Once all students have presented, allow the class to look at the timeline in silence. As they are looking, ask them to scan the timeline for things that surprise them, strike them as important and any patterns they notice. Then open the floor for discussion. In what direction is the country heading on this issue? What makes them think this? What part of this issue has changed the most over time? Why? Have students reflect on the column they read. Given what they now know about the recent history of this issue, what do they think President Obama should do in the coming months and years? Why?

Have students write a letter to President Obama taking a stand on either the issue of abortion or gay rights. Their letters should make arguments about what they think President Obama should do regarding this issue in the coming weeks and months and should include historical information (from their research and their classmates' presentations). Once students have turned in these letters, you may wish to send them to the President.

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