Making Curriculum Pop

Catherine Gourley does consulting for Martin Scorses's Film Foundation and was one of the featured presenters at this year's Teach, Think, Play conference. She just completed a really cool series of books for 8-12 graders on Women & Media. My wife, Nicole, loves Madonna, so it will be cool to check out Vol. 5. I think this is a topic that is not discussed enough in k-12 classes so it is great that she explores these representations of women in popular culture. The 5 book series includes:

Gibson Girls and Suffragists - Perceptions of Women from 1900 to 1918 [Volume 1]

Flappers and the New American Woman - Perceptions of Women from 1918 through the 1920s [Volume 2]

Rosie and Mrs. America : Perceptions of Women in the 1930s and 1940s [Volume 3]

Gidgets and Women Warriors : Perceptions of Women in the 1950s and 1960s [Volume 4]

Ms. and the Material Girls : Perceptions of Women from the 1970s through the 1990s [Volume 5]

Here's the flier she sent me with a link to her website -

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