Making Curriculum Pop

I hadn't thought of posting this until now but this fascinating BBC TV series called BBC America Reveals has a lot of high-interest programming...

BBC America - I'm a Boy Anorexic

It isn't just girls who are affected by eating disorders - boys can develop them too, but their symptoms are often overlooked.

This touching documentary follows three boys searching for answers as they battle anorexia.

You can look at the range of programming in the series here.

Some topics include:
Too Ugly to Love

My Small Breasts and I (coupled with) My Large Breasts and Me

Super Botox Me

and by far the scariest trailer...Britain's Worst Teeth

Yes, it is a bit tabliodish - BUT in clips very teachable.

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See also E.V. Day's Mummified Barbie's
OMG - that is really cool stuff - if you have a hot minute could you post that in the art & visual culture discussion forum?



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