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RESOURCES: United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumAll worth checking out from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Nazi Propaganda: A new exhibition about Nazi Propaganda. You can… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Jan 21, 2010 |
VIDEO: College, Facebook & Viral HateWoza, this video is a doozy from Truman U in Missouri! Would love to hear what people think about the university spokeswoman's comments at… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Jan 21, 2010 |
ARTICLES/FILM: On Photoshopping, French Law and Perceptions of BeautyBill Chapman sent these great links out via Frank Baker's Media listserve.. 1. An article from the New York Times FASHION & STYLE | D… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Dec 5, 2009 |
FILM: FREE FOR TEACHERS 'Out of the Question: Women, Media, and the Art of Inquiry'This e-mail was forwarded to me from Elizabeth Stanley, looks interesting and a few copies are free for teachers... Out of the Question: W… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Dec 1, 2009 |
ARTICLE: Supergirls Gone Wild: Gender Bias In Comics Shortchanges SuperwomenFrom Mother Jones and related to Sean's post "Sexuality In Comics" Supergirls Gone Wild: Gender Bias In Comics Shortchanges Superwomen Tor… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Nov 5, 2009 |
ARTICLE: Code PinkFrom Mother Jones... Code Pink As little girls go wild for pink, parents see red and marketers see green. By Lauren Sandler WHEN MY DAUG… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Nov 5, 2009 |
FILM: Codes of GenderInteresting doc Frank Baker sent me info on from the Media Education Foundation - ad and trailer below. *** We are proud to announce the… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Oct 28, 2009 |
ARTICLE: Aye Carumba! Marge Simpson Poses for Playboy CoverMC Popper Jeana Rock posted this bad boy on a Media Literacy list serve I'm on - it actually came with a torrent of comments. I think Jeana… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Oct 13, 2009 |
ARTICLE: French propose warning labels for Photoshopped modelsGreat blurb from Frank Baker, who must have awesome RSS feeds for Canadian news! Seems like a wonderful piece for classroom discussion arou… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Sep 23, 2009 |
RESOURCES/FILMS: Teaching ToleranceFor those of you who are not familiar with the magazine Teaching Tolerance, the create some wonderful curricula and films to help explore i… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Sep 4, 2009 |
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