Carol, we're working on building this group up (some are packed already - this one not so much yet). In the meantime you might check the Science Education Forum
FYI the "How Comics Can Save Us" Posting today yielded mad discussion and additional resources in the GN & Comics group - you might check the discussion below their post for more science resources here.
I think Mythbusters is the only video I showed last year that close to all of my students actually paid attention to. The one on busting/prooving the myth of whether or not cows contribute to global warming was perfect for our unit on atmosphere and the environment.
Yes, they do! By burping and releasing excessive amounts of methane gas into the air, they actually contribute more to global warming than cars. Crazy, I know.
Did folks see Marek Bennett's comment on the Comic Science discussion at the very bottom of the discussion thread? He put up a URL for his Jr. High Solar System Comics Unit (poor Pluto!).
It is very cool stuff with information for teachers interested in doing a comic science unit.
Carol Ross-Baumann
Apr 20, 2009
Ryan Goble
and these posts about a Science teacher I've been working with:
I haven't done a ton of science posts but hope to do more in the future to get more science people in the MC POP mix!
Welcome to our budding science group!
Apr 20, 2009
Ryan Goble
PowerPoint Meets Game Shows - Template Time!
If you like them be sure to thank the Kurs
May 7, 2009
Ryan Goble
Jun 17, 2009
Ryan Goble
Jul 2, 2009
Ryan Goble
and the PBS Music and the Mind special?
And remember, if you dig the resources you're finding here please do invite fellow science teachers to join the groups use this

button to bring more science friends into the MC Pop community.Enjoy! Ry:)
Jul 3, 2009
Brandon Jones
Jul 30, 2009
Ryan Goble
Jul 30, 2009
Brandon Jones
Aug 3, 2009
Ryan Goble
It is very cool stuff with information for teachers interested in doing a comic science unit.
Check it out:
Aug 16, 2009