Ryan Goble


NYC / Aurora, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher, Teacher Coach, Author
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
Everything but Math and Foreign Language - emphasis on the Humanities...
School, business or institutional affiliation
Teachers College Columbia University, Aurora University, Roosevelt University, DeVry University, Mindblue
Website, Blog, Wiki, Twitter, or Facebook URL(s)
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
I know the urge to load up an iPod is almost insurmountable, but we're going to try and party on this desert island like it's 1999. I think later on, I'll make it five artifacts in each genre, but for today these are my 5 essentials:

MUSIC: Jeff Buckley, Grace - Stevie Wonder Songs In the Key of Life, John Coltrane, A Love Supreme
FILM: The Royal Tenenbaums, Sweet & Lowdown, Clockers
BOOK: Another Country - James Baldwin

Comment Wall:

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  • Sam Polhamus

  • Emily Phelan

    Thanks Ryan,

    I'll check out the middle school groups, any suggestions on sites is super appreciated. I just found out I'm going to have netbooks next year.

    Oh and the Berinstain Bears are now video's as well. My niece and nephews (ages 1 to 7) all LOVE them - I've also got classic Sesame Streets on DVD, between those two the kids always have something to watch at my house.
  • BJ Berquist

    RT @stevehargadon: Exploring alternatives to Ning tonight 5pm PDT / 8pm EDT / 12am GMT live in Elluminate http://tr.im/futureofed

    Log in and put in a pitch for Making Curriculum Pop!
  • Brenna Cer

    Thanks Ryan for the recommendations and the welcome! I am looking forward to seeing what I can learn!
  • Anne Gaspers

    Thanks R to the G--back home in Denver and trying to finish my thesis before starting school in three weeks.
  • Beverly Vargo

    Please remove my name from the list. I am teaching community college now and most of what is sent doesn't apply, but thanks!
  • Hope Walker

    Thanks Ryan! And congrats on your baby girl!
  • Melissa Smith

    Thanks for the advice. This ning seems fantastic!
  • Liz Coman

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for the tips on the groups to join. I'm eager to become a part of several of your suggestions.
  • Erika Cravalho

    I love this site, you have done a great job putting it all together. I look forward to the future collaboration and knowledge sharing. Thank you for the pointers on what groups to join. I will do that.
  • Jo Hawke

    Thanks for the special email about my post. :)
  • Sue Venchus

    Thanks Ryan! I did enjoy all the courses I took with the Gobles this summer! I am using quite a bit of the differentiation stuff with my teams! :) Gonna try to make a difference with my kiddos in changing up my approach as well...I plan to look for more Goble classes in the TIDE catalog. How's Nicole?
  • Alan Teasley

    Thanks, Big Guy! How's the diss going?
  • Orla Murphy

    Thanks for the welcome email - my name Orla is Irish and means 'golden haired' it's an anglicized spelling :-)
  • Toby Rajput

    Thanks for the personal welcome - I've already looked at your post re: the video of It's a Book, an example I'm going to use in a discussion of digital resources for teaching with children's books. I look forward to spending (way too much) time here and will keep my eyes open for kooky, cool, new & diverse books for your daughter. To start with, you can't go wrong with Mo Willems, both his Elephant & Piggie books, which are updated friendship stories, a la Frog & Toad and my favorite, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.
  • Jim O.

    Thanks for the pointer to the article, Ryan. I hadn't checked Making Curriculum Pop for a while, so it was great to get the nudge. Thanks again, and I hope all is well! -- jimO
  • Stephanie Young

    Just for you ;0)
  • Tamara

    Thanks Ryan!
  • Luke Rodesiler

    Yeah, I certainly appreciated the outcome of that one.

    Will you be attending NCTE next month? If so, I'll be sure to look for you.
  • Sue Venchus

    Hey Ryan, anything new?
  • Luke Rodesiler

    Congratulations on the addition!
  • Melissa Barron

    Congratulations! I was just looking at the pictures, she's beautiful!! Enjoy every minute...it all goes by way too fast. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Looking forward to seeing your presentation next Friday. I've been talking you up...so, (no pressure) but expectations are high :) If you need anything, let me know!
  • William Zimmerman

    Dear Ryan,
    Congratulations on your new baby Tea; may she bring you and your wife so much joy.
    I'd like very much to send you a copy of my new book, ''Your Life in Comics: 100 Things for Guys to Write and Draw.' It's a new interactive comic book for reluctant boy writers/readers (age 9-13). Is there an address I can send it to. If you wish, you can send the information to me at wez1941@gmail.com.
    With all good wishes to you,
    Bill Zimmerman'
  • Sandra Bernahl

    What nice family pics.
    Hey Ryan, I am looking to find literature circle handouts that might be in your ning somewhere: I got a tip from Pam G. to contact you about these. Thanks,
    Sandy B.
  • Sandra Bernahl

    Hey Ryan,
    I need to find the handouts Pam G. used for lit circles: one one the artist, one the communicator, etc. She said to contact you and maybe you had a link to download them?
    I thought they looked very neat to try with my TAG students. Thanks, Sandy B.
  • Zia Jusufi

    Thanks for the warm welcome Ryan! I'm really liking this site...there is just so much on it.
  • Robyn Seglem

    Hi Ryan,

    Attending your session was my pleasure! After all the time I've spent on your site, I felt like I knew you a bit before we met :) It's funny...one of my quadrant partners showed up at the session I gave yesterday. I enjoyed talking with her again! And yes, let's definitely try to collaborate some time.

  • Robyn Seglem

    Thanks for asking about the EJ article. It's in this month's EJ...lead story on how to effectively co-teach in ELA classroom. Let me know if you don't subscribe to this, and I'll get a PDF for you.

    Yes, keep your brain thinking on a project =)

    (and I doubt my mom even knows who the Swedish pop star is!)
  • Dana Huff

    Thanks, Ryan! I hope your presentation went well, and if I am able to go to Chicago next year, I'd love to meet.
  • julianna

    Hey Ryan, sorry to have missed your presentation, too--NCTE was a less-than-magical blur this year :-) Hope to see you in Chicago next year and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Patty Ball

    Thanks for the remind. Here I am trying to encourage people to post on my own site and participate more and I forget about all the others. Wish there was a way to aggregate Nings!
  • Jim O.

    Thanks for the review link, Ryan. Very nice! Cheers, and I hope all is well out your way...
  • Brenda DeRamus-Coleman

    Thanks for the welcome and the frequent updates.  I have been a member for a while, and I love to share the great ideas.  I pass the links on and hope that others will start to "make curriculum pop" for their kids.

  • Gareth Hinds

    Thanks, Ryan! By the way, if you look at my profile you will see that I just received a comment which appears to be spam. You might want to check on that member and see if they are for real.



  • Kelly Farrow

    Good catch on that Q I missed! NOt sure how I missed it, but thanks for letting me know.
  • Cindy Maguire

    Thanks for the invite Ryan. Just joined. I'm excited to share the site with my students. I've posted it to my art ed blog: http://adelphiarted.blogspot.com/

    Look forward to exploring the site.


  • Alan Teasley

    I did see the article. I really like Marshall Curry's "Street Fight." Great political story of the rise of Cory Booker, an up and coming leader in the democratic party.
  • Katherine Bolman, PhD

    Ryan when a new member is announced there is no way that I see to welcome them and learn about their interests. I see a page of pictures and that makes me frustrated.


    Just a thought


  • Mary K Marjerrison

    Ciao Ryan,

    This looks like a great network!  Looking forward to investigating it.

    By the way, I received a message in my email, stating that it was placed on my profile for Making Curriculum Pop.  This happened to me on another Ning network as well.  Perhaps you have already become aware of it, but if not, here's the message:


    rose.devids50@yahoo.comHELLOMy name is miss Rose i saw your profile today at(mcpopmb.ning.com) and fund you worthy to be mine as some one  whom i can lay on his arms as long as love is concern, caring and teassing you all the nightlong and ,l will also like to know you the more,and l want you to send an email to my email address (rose.devids50@yahoo.com) so l can give you my picture for you to know whom l am. Here is my email address I believe we can move from here! I waiting for your mail to my email address above. miss Rose(Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life)

  • Jill L. Schuepfer

    Thanks for the suggestions, Ryan. I was looking for more opps related to food, nutrition, and wellness.
  • Michael Lipiner

    Great, thanks a lot!
  • Chris Hulitt

    Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. I look forward to sharing these activities with my students.
  • Anna Stef

    Thanks for the welcome and suggestions. Very new to nings and wiki's. AM spending lots of hours searching and lovin what I'm reading. How do you find the time to keep up to date with all teh innovative ICT opportunties, especially now that you're a dad? Thanks again and I am sharing this with all my team members back at school.
  • Tracey Ormerod

    Hey Ryan!
    Thanks for the welcome! I'm looking very forward to spending some time on the ning, getting to know other members and exploring all of the great resources!
  • Bonnie Hartley

    The Japanese post was incredible.  How I wish I had about 20 more years instead of a mere one or two.  So many idea, so little time.  Your site is wonderful.  Love, bh


  • Melissa Smith

    Hey Ryan. I am presenting Friday on Lit Circles and was wondering if I could site this site and share your cooperative group / lit circles pdf from Feb 2009.
  • lark Losardo

    Thanks Ryan
  • Marie Vahue

    Thanks, Ryan.  I am looking forward to joining the Graphic Novel group and exploring all your site has to offer!
  • Deborah Sebree

    Hi Ryan, I just read the post about STEAM. While I'm not a math or science teacher I do teach literature and art. I have taught a middle school elective class called GeoArt for those who'd like to create art but don't consider themselves "artistic".

    Resources I've used:

    Math Forum and Norman Shapiro: Geometry through Art
    Lesson ideas, facilitation suggestions, lists of materials needed, and other resources for teaching geometry through art.

    http://mathcats.com/ Math based arts and crafts, among other mathematical things.


    Deborah Sebree


  • Phyl

    Thanks Ryan