Pre-K Teacher, Elementary Teacher, MS / Junior High School Teacher, High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher, Administrator, Social Worker/ Counselor, School Support Staff, Afterschool Educator, Teacher Coach, Author, Publisher, Artist
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
English and Digital Media
School, business or institutional affiliation
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
Ryan Goble
Hi Ingrid!
Great to have you here! You seemed to catch all the groups you need BUT here are all the ELA groups in case you missed one..
Popular Music
Teach with the Moving Image
World Literature
American Literature
British Lit (sans Shakespeare)
Making Shakespeare Pop
Poets and Writers
Adolescent Literature
Graphic Novels
New Modern Languages & ELL
Digital Storytelling
New Media & Technology
Media Education/Literacy
The News: Teaching With and About
and the new Making Drama POP! group
Good Vibes,
Aug 29, 2012