If you get a chance, please do give that a read and consider joining some groups that interest you - That is where a lot of the day-to-day MC POP action is: http://mcpopmb.ning.com/groups
Lastly, I JUST did an edit of the SUPER COOL "UNIVERSAL" MC POP PLAYLIST - this stuff is the reason most people bother reading my broadcast e-mails (so I've been told) - http://mcpopmb.ning.com/page/the-mc-pop-playlist
If you look in the groups "discussion forum" you can see what kind of resources are being shared. Once you join on of these sub-groups you can broadcast questions to the group and get e-updates when people share resources.
At the top of the group, in the upper right hand corner there should be an little + that says "+Join Group X." Click on that. Easy stuff.
Thank you for joining. I'm thrilled to have you here and look forward to reading your thoughts and ideas on the Ning!
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Happy New Year & Welcome to MC POP!
It is great to have more IL people in the mix!
To help you start your MC POP journey I created a "Welcome and Greatest hits" page:
If you get a chance, please do give that a read and consider joining some groups that interest you - That is where a lot of the day-to-day MC POP action is:
Lastly, I JUST did an edit of the SUPER COOL "UNIVERSAL" MC POP PLAYLIST - this stuff is the reason most people bother reading my broadcast e-mails (so I've been told) -
If you look in the groups "discussion forum" you can see what kind of resources are being shared. Once you join on of these sub-groups you can broadcast questions to the group and get e-updates when people share resources.
At the top of the group, in the upper right hand corner there should be an little + that says "+Join Group X." Click on that. Easy stuff.
Thank you for joining. I'm thrilled to have you here and look forward to reading your thoughts and ideas on the Ning!