Elementary Teacher, MS / Junior High School Teacher, High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher, Social Worker/ Counselor, School Support Staff, Afterschool Educator, Author, Artist
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
Poetry, Activism and Community Organizing
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
What would one do with electronics on a desert island???
I'd bring books and toys, probably a stuffed animal or two to hug on cold nights.
Make sure other teachers and teacher educators in your networks know about the Zinn Education Project website. Post a notice about the Zinn Education Project on listserves, in newsletters, on social networking sites, and at your school. You can use any of the web banners at the end of this page for blogs or websites. Here is an announcement you can use or adapt:…
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JT - great to have you here. Lots of Zinn stuff on the site (search Zinn) already - always want more. See sharing policy and keep the love coming.