Making Curriculum Pop

Gcast - instant podcast from your classroom!

Have your students give a daily recap of what they learned, podcast directly from a field trip, or say pretty much anything on an insta-podcast! All you need is a cell phone. Check it out at I plan to use this w/ my first-grade gifted and talented program; at the end of each session, one lucky kid will get to give the daily diary of what we did, plus one other shout-out they feel like doing!

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Comment by Megan Lucas on May 3, 2009 at 2:19pm
Delete Comment Hmm... it does sound like a bummer that it can cost that much :( But it is cool for kids to be able to hear information about a subject from other kids as a follow up or even precursor to a field trip. The Museum of Modern Art constantly develops podcasts with kids covering different aspects of the museum and its collection. Check it out!
Comment by Kelly Farrow on March 27, 2009 at 9:40pm
Yes, I got that message, too! :( Big bummer. But at least you can record on your computer and upload--it's just more work and less immediate. I understand why they have to do this, but it really is too bad for those of us who have no intention of paying that much.
Comment by Jeana Rock on March 27, 2009 at 11:01am
I just got notice that this phone service is no longer free. One may still upload to the website, but without a $99 fee, you may not use the phone to record and upload. (If this is a correct interpretation)


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