Making Curriculum Pop

I invite you to submit your manuscript to a special issue of New Horizons in Education with a theme of media literacy eduction.

I am a professor at Ohio University and has been a firm believer in the power of media literacy education. I serve on the editorial borad of the journal New Horizons in Education published by Hong Kong Teachers' Association. I am the guest editor of this special issue of the journal with Media Literacy Education as the theme. I would like to invite you to send your wonderful work to me, so we can share it with colleagues across the world. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Here are more details for the call for manuscript:

"The journal launches its next special issue for Vol.58, No.3, December 2010. With a theme on media literacy education, the special issue will provide a forum for multiple voices discussing all aspects of media literacy education including: access to, critical analysis of, evaluation of and creation of information using technology in education. Serving as the guest editor for this special issue will be Dr. Guofang Wan, (Professor of Education, Department of Teacher Education at Ohio University, USA) Authors who are interested in this topic are encouraged to send in your manuscripts for review. The review process, similar to that of the regular issues, will be handled by the guest editor directly. Please consult the website of the journal or guidelines of preparation of your manuscript and send it to the guest editor directly at ("

Thank you,

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