Making Curriculum Pop

Join the Noon Day Measurement of the Earth Project!

Twice a year I give a shout out to all that can hear about my favorite collaborative project called the Noonday Project hosted by Stevens Institute of Technology’s Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) which twice a year has students from around the world recreate measuring the circumference of the earth similar to what Eratosthenes did 2200 years ago. The measurements are done at the time of the Equinoxes approximately March 21 and September 21. It's not too late to join! For more information see my blog entry. -Ihor Charischak

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Comment by Ryan Goble on March 20, 2014 at 10:25pm
Ihor, no one really looks at the blog posts - can you put it in the math or science group discussion? That is where it will get some attention - it sounds like a great project!!!! Great to hear from you!


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