Making Curriculum Pop

Tabletop Superheroes - Cory Doctorow Dungeons and Dragons Remix

Over in Parkes Shire, Australia, we've just released a Creative Commons-licensed tabletop roleplay game for all ages. It's easy to learn, quick to play, and students can add their own rules to make it even more exciting. You just need a few paper cut-out characters, a measuring tape, plus a handful of dice and Lego bricks.

You can download the game's 8-page PDF, including character sheets, here at the Parkes Library "Dog-Eared" website:

Parkes Tabletop Superheroes available for download

Cory Doctorow, whose work inspired the game, featured Parkes' Tabletop Superheroes on BoingBoing this week.

Feel free to share, enjoy, and remix your own versions!

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