Making Curriculum Pop

Teaching Watchmen at the High School Level

Recently, I wrote an Op Ed piece on Graphic Novel Reporter about my experiences teaching the Watchmen. Some exciting things have happened as a result of my teaching the novel here at Williamsport Area High School. One of the other English teachers will be borrowing my class set and teaching Watchmen for herself. And last weekend, my cousin took her daughter to Hot Topic, and some Watchmen fanatic started talking to her. He said that he heard some guy was teaching the book at the high school. My cousin replied, "Yeah, I know that guy."

I recognize that the movie has more to do with the huge Watchmen buzz than a humble English teacher. But at least I got some fame as "that guy." Anyway, here is the link to my article.

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Comment by Ryan Goble on March 25, 2009 at 12:38am
The full artilce from Graphic Novel Reporter is here. Cool read, thanks for sharing John.


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