Making Curriculum Pop

QUESTION: Any High Interest, Low Reading Level Scripts (Scenes) for Middle School Drama Students?

I'm looking for specific names that have worked for classrooms, not particularly productions (but that would be fine, too).  I've had terrible luck with spending my money at the publishers and getting scripts that are too young, too cheesy, too old, too complex...

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I really like these collections from Perfection Learning for short plays - Drama for Reading and Performace: Collection Two - they include writers like Woody Allen and Stephen King.

If you are looking for scenes / monologues have you checked out Teenage Mouth?

Have not checked this out but it might be interesting - Scenes for Teens by Teens.

And lastly, I think you can always find excellent stuff if you use old time radio / radio scripts - see this resource list:

• Old Time Radio collections (
• Generic Radio Workshop: Vintage Radio Script Library (
• Free Old Time Radio Shows (
• The Mercury Theatre on the Air (
• Audio Theatre resources for those interested in models and production (

A play I have taught which is very high-interest is, "Dr. Cook's Garden". Also, students love, "The Miracle Worker" and "The  Monsters are Due on Maple Street...(an old Twilight Zone episode).Another excellent play is, "A Soldier's was also made into a movie. Another great one is, "12 Angry Men". You need to do a lot of set-up for a play-reading activity to be successful...paying attention to character, stage directions etc. but kids love the opportunity to get into a character.  The challenge is to find plays with enough characters so that they can all engage. Have fun!

I'm sorry, it is "12 Angry Men"...

Thanks for all the above...I'm online checking them out now...

Hi Kim:  I have dozens.  But before I post the lists, do these students have a sense of humor?    Do they GET puns?  Do they have background in fairy tales- so you could use fractured tales? I'll check back tomorrow for your response.

Could you post these lists?  Kids have a background in fairy tales and love those like "Stinky Cheese."  Would be interested in your list.  Thanks

Yes!  Comedy is all they want to do--no patience with drama, relationships, complicated story lines.  Fractured tales would definitely work. Puns...very few would get it and even if they get it, they don't find it funny.  (Desperate, I tried Monty Python skits once and they looked at me like I had two heads...I'm learning...)



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