Making Curriculum Pop

This is a paper scheduled to be presented at the WORLD LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CONGRESS: 75TH IFLA GENERAL CONFERENCE AND COUNCIL (August, Milan Italy)

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Thanks for posting this paper, Frank. It looks to be an very good, informative overview of the case for comics in the classroom. I love the section that lays out the elements of comics in a straightforward way. Also, the bibliography is a great resource.
I noticed that Read Write Think has a large number of comic/graphic novel lesson plans.
I noticed that too, recently. It's terrific the way they are tied into their comics generator which can be used to generate blank templates of different sizes.
Frank and Sari -- you should both "friend" Lisa Fink on this Ning; she's directly involved in developing content for ReadWriteThink, and Sari, she may love to get some lesson plans from you.
Thanks so much, Peter. I will do so!
Frank, I finally read the paper and will definitely pass it along to others -- thanks again for posting it.

However, I was a bit disappointed -- it really just provides an overview of much of the same thing that everyone in the field knows. Maybe these are new ideas in Italy, I don't know.



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