Making Curriculum Pop

The Worst Jobs in History looks like a cool show from BBC 4 - learned about it via @VideoAmy.

The BBC site seems to be here (sans the Middle Ages episode) and below you'll find The Worst Jobs in History - The Middle Ages part 1, 2, and 3 from YouTube:

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 I use this dvd frequently here in Australia. My eighth grade history class is all about Medieval History and this is an excellent source especially for that Friday afternoon, last lesson of the week class. Tony ( the host) shows a range of worst jobs for a particular time period and then at the end showcases the "worst job" of all. Sucks the kids right in they leave class talking about what they just saw - Fantastic!  There is a whole range of programs, in series one is the Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Tudor and Stuart times ( I think) and in the second: rural , urban, maritime, and industrial. well worth the cost of the DVD.  If you are looking to buy it , try as they usually have it in stock and while I'm not certain most DVD players should play it.
Mary thanks for sharing this - it looks like a great series certainly not yet available in the US but this will have people hunting on Amazon UK!

Thanks for sharing! This will be a great addition to our literature circles set during the Tudor Dynasty. Off to youtube those episodes.

Megan - great you will be able to use them! :) Let us know how it goes.

On other note, have you seen Horrible Histories?- it is another UK based show that features different historical periods over a  1/2 hour period.  There are very catchy songs like the Rosa Parks song: I sat on the bus, Stupid deaths featuring Death and his cohorts in death ( a couple of skeletons) they look at "stupid" deaths from a particular period in History. It is available on You tube as well as on amazon uk. One of the best series of DVD's that i have bought for school.  

Here is a link for part of an episode:

Thanks Mary - that looks great. I'm assuming they're based on the books? See 1.27.09 ILLUSTRATING WORLD HISTORY?



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