My name is Siri Nelson and I am an English-Secondary Education major at Aurora University. An assignment for one of my courses this semester is to create a 20 day unit plan on a topic of our choosing. I would like to teach a unit on short stories at a seventh grade level. At the end of the unit I would like my students to know the literary elements of a story, understand a plot diagram, how imagery is used in a short story and to understand different genres.
I have found some sources to help me with this unit (and are listed below), but I would like to find more. These sources would help me find creative ways to engage the students in the unit. I would also like help in differentiating the final assessment, which I plan to be writing one or two short stories. If you have any suggestions for how I should go about teaching this unit or any sources I should look at, please let me know.
Thank you,
Siri Nelson
Sources I Have Found So Far:
MCPOP: Photo Based Writing Heroes and Villains Should Creative Writing Be Taught
Websites: Short Story Lesson Plans Young Adult Literature Lesson Plans Short Stories and Sitcoms Teaching the Short Story