Making Curriculum Pop

I went to You Tube and learned about a teaching method called Power Teaching. Has anyone used it? What are your thoughts? And, for what grade did you use it?

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Hey Kyla,

It is great that you're out here and joining the discussion! Unfortunately, the way our Ning is set up - when you post in these open discussion forums people rarely get a chance to read your question. Consider posting this in the Elementary Ed Discussion forum (in side that group) that way all the members of that group will get an e-mail about your question + I can highlight it on crowdsource Tuesday.

Also you might consider adding a website or embedding the YouTube video you watched into your post as that will add clarity about power teaching.

Here is a page that tells you "How to Embed A Video!"

Normally you could find a video that explains that - but YouTube just updated their format so the Embed button/code is below the video now.

Happy MC POPPING! It will be exciting to hear what folks say when we broadcast this on Tuesday!

I have used it, it is now called whole brain teaching. It is a wonderful tool. I went to an all day training, taught by Mr Chris Biffle. I used pieces of it with my high school biology class this past year. I used the score board DAILY and used the class rules and did the "TEACH", "OK SWITCH" with my students. This year I plan to use more of the techniques. It is also possible that I will be teaching a different grade level. If I were teaching a grade for which WBT has curricula set up, I would jump on it.

(I have been teaching for more than 15 years and Chris Biffle's training was THE BEST workshop I have attended in as many years. And he refuses to charge teachers for any of it...)



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