Did you see the article What 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Isn't
in the Wall Street Journal? It sparked lesson ideas for me -- court cases, parent/child relationships from stories in the news, 50th anniversary issues, etc.. Does anyone have other resources for looking at TKAM in this year's news?
I couldn't help myself and wrote a comment to the WSJ. In doing so, I read the other comments. I think the comments themselves along with the article would make an interesting lesson next school year. If you add your comments, I just might include those, also.
I finally read the article through, Andrea, and will be adding it (and some responses) to my lessons. You have my gratitude. It does, indeed, sound as if it's a response to the WSJ article, although it mentions Malcolm Caldwell's article in the New Yorker last year: "The Courthouse Ring". That article, apparently, received a great deal of (negative) reaction. This is developing into a lesson on persuasive argument as well as TKAM!
•"The Case against To Kill a Mockingbird" by Isaac Saney in Race and Class (2003) which I had previously saved on my desktop and forgot about until I saw this CACE report
referenced in one of the articles above. A pdf is attached it below.