Making Curriculum Pop

SITE/PUBLICATIONS: Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE)

This is a personal fav. resource for a lot of disciplines. Stanford's Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE) does incredible events (I learned about them when they hosted Yo-Yo Ma at Teachers College to talk about their Silk Road /Indigo curriculum) and makes even more impressive curriculum. 
Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education
Their mission:
The Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE) serves as a bridge between Stanford University and K-14 schools by developing multidisciplinary curriculum materials on international themes.

Any place hyping a teacher unit titled  Divided Memories: Comparing History Textbooks and Examining Long-term Radiation Effects: Case Studies of the Atomic Bombings of Japan and the Chernobyl Power Plant Thermal Explosions 100% awesome in my book.


If you're into cross-cultural education you'll dig their resources and curricula.

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This looks good.

I think I will ask my curriculum coordinator to purchase it.


My problem with SPICE has always been cost.  They are expensive (as compared to say Choices)!  This has led me to be very cautious ordering their materials.  Maybe too cautious?

Well, you know, I always tell folks who get bummed about tech tools that cost - it takes a lot of time and human resource to create great stuff and in a lot of cases those people are doing this to make a living. If it is any consolation they have released a free curricula on radiation! I agree with you but the research that goes into their work is impressive even if the pedagogy is not fully developed!



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