Making Curriculum Pop

"Page One: Inside the New York Times" is a new documentary and companion book.  It "focuses on the importance of knowing the original source of the news you read, watch, hear and tweet and the difference between original reporting and commentary."  In the companion book " leading journalists consider the future of the news media amisdt of malestrom of digital change.

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I saw this film at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival in April, and I recommend it to teachers of newspaper journalism or media literacy. It really captures the controversies and pressures facing print newspapers in the current 24-hour TV- and Internet-focused news cycle. It shows reporters using the new technologies (Twitter, etc.) but also relying on "old-fashioned" phone calls and documents to provide in-depth investigative reports. David Carr, in particular, emerges as a kind of shaggy hero for us "Old School" types who still like to sit down with the morning papers over a cup of coffee.



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