This clip from the Colbert Report follows his 2009 Grammy victory for best comedy album. He uses the Odyssey to instruct Republicans on how to deal with president Obama. Pretty witty - as always.
Jasmine, thanks for writing. I'm glad you dug it - allusions are always a fun way to show students lit matters, eh? Esp. from Mr. C :)
Hope you're having a nice weekend!
Permalink Reply by Sean on February 15, 2010 at 6:15pm
That was fantastic! I love Colbert.
On a semi-related note, I just realized an addition to pop culture songs for The Odyssey: "Penelope's Song" by Loreena McKennitt. She's always great because she takes poems or literature and makes them into fantastic songs (like "The Highwayman" or "The Stolen Child"). I also suggest maybe even reading parts of The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood to gain a different POV (from Penelope) of The Odyssey, and a feminist one at that.