Happy Sunday! During the last couple of weeks all the
Teach Think Play participants have been busy adding dope content. Lucky for you, this mean's I've been busy giving them feedback and managing that content instead of boring you with my posts. This
Lazy Sunday morning I've been busy doing updates to add to the Ning flow. A
couple weeks ago I starting messing around with the groups feature In order to fully utilize the Ning's magical powers. This morning I created some additional groups people might want to rock.
I thought some folks might be interested in networking by their geographic area, university or school (where you teach). To those ends, I've created a few groups that have meaning to me. If those don't float your boat y'all can get out there and gather people that you would like to network with by creating your very own university, geography or school group.
The most obvious crew in need of a geography group are all these peeps from Kanas that joined a couple weeks ago. KANSAS PEOPLE If one of you creates your group may I suggest an icon photo?

If you're feeling inspired to create a geography or alumni group simply
go here.
In the upper right hand corner click on "+Add A Group" - where my cursor is in the screen shot below.

From there you can go to town. My mom managed to create the
Middle School Group so I'm sure anyone who wants to rock a group can do it!
After you set a group up it's easy to invite anyone if you have their e-mail or if they're your friend on the Ning just click "+Invite More People" and the Ning walks you through the invite process:

The groups I've created so far are are for my towns and colleges - If these groups apply to you do join:
Teachers College Columbia University
Chicagoland Teachers
NYC Metro Teachers
Wolverine Teachers
NOTE: This Ning is SOOOOOO progressive we would even welcome a group for the state of O-H-I-O and/or Ohio State Teachers - You heard me Buckeyes...bring it!

On the pop culture and science tip - If you don't know about how weird this Michigan/OSU thing is get a load of this
REAL website. Check the official sponsors at the bottom of the page - it is easy to see what plays as science in Ohio!
Thanks to everyone who has been out there rocking the Ning with ideas and resources! This has been a wild experiment but it has been a lot of fun do do it with y'all out there in cyberspace!
Hope everyone is having a relaxing day!