Making Curriculum Pop

As we head into the big inauguration, I would love to hear what some of the most interesting, perplexing or funny things students said about the new Commander in Chief. "Hit us with your best story" below...

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Here in the South Bronx, we tried to set up rooms to broadcast the speech via the Internet. The NYC Dept. of Ed. partnered with ABC to have a specific feed for all the public schools. Of course, this allowed the server to crash mid-inauguration speech. As a result three teachers had old-school bunny eared antennas that allowed groups of kids to watch the morning's events. At one point I think they were talking about the death of Joe Biden's father as his mother was escorted to the Capitol steps. At that moment, a student behind me asked, "Who is Joe Biden?"
I replied, "He's the Vice President."
The student replied "Is he dead?"

There were many tears and hugs but this anecdote is my new official call for MORE TV in the classroom :)
Back in November, ( here at a rural K-12 school in Central NY ) I asked my students to write about the message of Barack Obama's election night speech and suggest a song that would both reflect and amplify the ideals and values expressed in the speech. The song could serve as an anthem or theme song for the Obama administration.

I thought their song selections were very interesting, follow link below to read the essays...

"Yes We Can" middle school essays
I thought this was rather interesting, I teach a beginning computer science course at Eastern Michigan University. The course is titled Exploration in Robotics. The end project is basically where the students build battle bots from lego, program them and have a competition.

Usually the students get sort of attached :) to their robots and give them names. So this past semester, all groups built small driving base battle bots.. but only one group built a biped (kinda like a walking human), and they named him Obama... So I asked them why did you name the bot Obama? they said since he's the only biped robot, making him unique and different. It felt the same with the spirit of change which Barack brings to our country.

It was truly refreshing to see freshman think with this depth and contemplation.. AND in a comp sci course...

oh.. and did I mention that Obama won the battle bot competition.. by a landslide too :)



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