Making Curriculum Pop

QUESTION: How can I make Independent Reading Projects cool for high school freshmen?

I am trying to create differentiated Individualized Reading Project choices that are high interest  for students in Freshman English classes to complete independently after reading a novel of their choice. Any groovy ideas out there? Thanks!

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Glogster is pretty fun, too.  My students did allusion reference posters earlier this year and they were really good!  You can add video, sound, pictures, etc.  You could even have them record themselves reading a review or something.  There are plenty of examples of how people have used them with books.

I like glogster too. I've used it with my World Studies kids. I had my kids create a "glog" as a final project illustrating what they learned from the book, Three Cups of Tea.

I help the Freshman create movie trailers for their books. Students wo select the same book, meet , decide on the importent elements of the novel and using a Flip video camera create simple movies that illustrate , theme, setting, etc. Sometimes I use the trailers in the library to advertise the books.

Great idea Jan---thanks!

Hi! My students seem to like this assignment. To differentiate, you could have them create a video/podcast message home, format it like an email, etc. The t-shirt design also has to sync with information in the letter.  I tell them that it's easy to tell if they didn't finish the book (it is) because they don't really explain how things turn out for the character. I get to learn about them a bit, too, which is nice. 

PS I don't let them choose books that have been made into movies.

If you (or others) use it, I'd love to know how it turns out, if and how you tweak it, etc.

What  creative ideas to the old traditional book report projects! Love the "Bringing the Character Home" Project idea---Thanks for sharing!
Hi Kim - did you also see this @ Read, Write, Think?
Lesson Plan<a href="" target="_blank">Developing Reading Plans to Support Independent Reading</a>



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