Making Curriculum Pop

Cool school friendly YouTube resource...

Okay, we're loving the new website SchoolTube! You know about YouTube (the better and the worse), and you may have visited TeacherTube, where teachers share multimedia materials with colleagues. SchoolTube has some similarities but puts a special emphasis on student-made products. As the promo material states: "SchoolTube is for educators who want to share approved videos nationwide; empower students and encourage creativity; join recognized leaders in video broadcasting; access lesson plans and helpful classroom information, and encourage students to compete in moderated competitions." Click on the Help button in the top navigation bar to learn more about the hows and whys - including why it's safe. There are tips on unblocking SchoolTube on your school's network and instructions on how to share videos from your own school.

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As a video teacher, School Tube is one of the best resources I have ever come across. Especially with school filters blocking optimal video sharing sites like youtube and vimeo.

You can check out BHS's SchoolTube channel at:



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