Making Curriculum Pop

Usually this type of post would just stay in the Science Teacher Group but it is so fun that you might want to give the videos below a watch. If you teach science be sure to join that group so you can share resources and join in the discussion!

Last year In NYC Nicole and I went to a They Might Be Giant's concert celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the album Flood. It was hard to believe that twenty years have already passed. While N and I are a bit nerdy, we really felt the crowd at that event was the nerdiest crowd we've ever been a part of.

To cater to alt-rock nerds and their children In true Nerd fashion TMBG JUST released a new album Science is Real. I've been watching all the videos (all below) and I'm positive the tracks will "make a little Birdhouse in Your Soul."

The track listing shows how useful this will be for teaching at lots of different grade levels.

1. Science Is Real
2. Meet the Elements
3. I Am a Paleontologist w/Danny Weinkauf
4. The Bloodmobile
5. Electric Car w/Robin Goldwasser
6. My Brother the Ape
7. What Is a Shooting Star?
8. How Many Planets?
9. Why Does the Sun Shine?
10. Why Does the Sun Really Shine?
11. Roy G. Biv
12. Put It to the Test
13. Photosynthesis
14. Cells
15. Speed and Velocity w/Marty Beller
16. Computer Assisted Design
17. Solid Liquid Gas
18. Here Comes Science Bonus Track
19. The Ballad of Davy Crockett (in Outer Space)

All the videos from the CD are posted on YouTube. I've embedded the ones I could find below - I love the elements song/ video. This is really awesome stuff for teaching:

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