Making Curriculum Pop

If you teach science or know a science teacher please SHARE these resources with them using the link the bottm of the discussion.

The NIH curriculum supplements are teacher’s guides to two weeks of lessons on the science behind selected health topics. They combine cutting-edge biomedical discoveries with state-of-the-art instructional practices.

Elementary School
Open Wide and Trek Inside

Grades 1 - 2

Beyond the traditional “brushing and flossing” curriculum, this module focuses on the science of the oral environment, and major scientific concepts relating to oral health.

Learning Focus
1. What Do Mouths Do? Stories and games teach structures and functions of the mouth.
2. Open Wide! What's Inside? Hands-on activities enrich activity one.
3. Let's Investigate Tooth Decay Investigate the process of tooth decay, using apples as models.
4. What Lives Inside Your Mouth? By play-acting and story reading discover bacteria's role in decay.
5. What Keeps Your Mouth Healthy? Interactive games and a story identify healthy behaviors.
6. What Have You Learned About the Mouth? Reflect on lessons learned.

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