Here are some online resources I've gathered up where young people can play word games online. Supervision and checking them out for yourself is of course advised. This is part of a longer article at The Book Chook, called Messing About with Words to Increase Literacy.
Word Magnets is an activity where kids can practise using words with short and long medial vowels in sentences, by dragging them into position. In
Word Blocks, they make as many words as they can from letter blocks.
FreeRice Not just for vocabulary anymore, they have Maths, Art, Geography, nevertheless, this is the original Free Rice game. For each answer as to the meaning of a word, 10 grains of rice is donated to the United Nations World Food Program. No sign up necessary unless you want to track your totals etc
8 Letters in Search of a Word This is one of the games from
East of the Web. You're presented with eight letters and must choose letters from the eight which make a word, and hit submit. There is a timer shown silently on a sliding bar. You rise in levels as you achieve good scores, no need for perfection. Longer words = more points. You can also compare your scores with the top 20 scores (ouch!)
Knoword More for 12+, Knoword is lots of fun. You are given a random word's definition and starting letter. Type in the rest of the word with correct spelling to advance in the game. There's a time limit too, and you can play without registering, but register to keep track of scores etc.
Save the Words Perfect for older kids, this website encourages us to adopt a word, perhaps one on the brink of extinction. Scrolling allows you to hone in on other words, clicking shows you the definition. Read more about it
in my post.
What's the Word? This word game can be played online but it's also an app for iPod. Similar to hangman, but no hanging, you only have five guesses before you lose.
Scribble gives you 10 random letters, then you must make as many words as possible, using pencil and paper. Lowtech but fun.
Wordslide Get random letters which you must slide together to generate words within a time limit. Click "visit" and "play online" to try it.
Wordmaster Test your vocabulary skills by finding the missing word in a sentence. Guess letters "hangman" style.
Wordle Another Book Chook favourite, Wordle enables us to generate word clouds from any text we paste in.
Guess the Wordle Find different synonym puzzles each day for different aged kids. Hover your mouse over the wordle to see if you have the correct answer. eg First Grade puzzle might be "chum, buddy, sidekick" = friend.
School Time Games there are lots of word games on this web site’s Language Arts page. The Book Chook, of course, likes Fowl Words and Chicktionary.
Syllables Factory is a BBC game that helps kids revise how to break up words into syllables (chunks of sound). This is such an important skill for kids to learn. It helps them to decode words by identifying the syllables or chunks, and helps their spelling too.
Fit Brains You need to register for Fit Brains, but many games are free. Some of the word-based games are: Wild Word Garden, Word Power, Street of Dreams, Paradise Island.
Spelling City has some vocabulary games like Unscramble and Hangmouse.
I haven't mentioned Scrabble or Scrabble-inspired games like Lexulous because strangely, I am not a fan. Millions of other people in the world are though, and here is a link to a
Make Use article about some.