I don't want to create a diversion from this fabulous community, but Pinterest has some great ideas for library displays. See> http://www.pinterest.com/mtorrise/library-ideas/.
Please share your ideas for library displays. ...just thinking about the fall, is all!
I'd like to see more librarians create spaces that involve student exploration of what media literacy is, how important it is to their lives, and why it is relevant. Several years ago, I suggested on a list serve, that media specialists could introduce the media literacy core concepts and then collaborate with students to create 5-6 yearly bulletin board displays that show examples from each. Who's in? I will prominently display your school's boards on my Media Literacy Clearinghouse website.
What a great idea, Frank. Media literacy is a very important topic, has been and will continue to be. I will seriously consider implementing your idea this year, and when I do I will let you know. Thank you!
Hi!! Love the ideas. I tried this the year before last, and it went very well!
"First Read Club": I place a form in all new books stating "This is a Brand New Book." Students fill out the form, which essentially helps them create a book review. I place the book reviews on one of our walls, and the students' names go inside the book as having first been read by... It creates a lot of excitement for kids to be the first one to read those new books, and then keeps the interest in those books when they are recommended by their peers.
It's not my idea; I got it somewhere (listserv, perhaps). The only thing about it that I changed was the idea of the "form." I used bookmarks instead; we designed them, printed them out, and stuck them in the new books. They were also customized for fiction or nonfiction. Then we put them up on our bulletin board, entitled "First Read Club," along with a pic of the cover of the book.
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