Excellent point and counterpoint from Wired Magazine that you could use as models of persuasive writing. Certainly an interesting topic for the text generation!
Read this full article at http://www.wired.com/magazine/2012/01/st_essay_autocorrect
Read the full counterpoint HERE.
I think I'll share these articles with some of my classes. They are great for persuasion examples. Spelling is important to some of my students and an evil demon to others. I wonder how they'll line up in the debate? I'll let you know when I do this but it won't be soon. Testing season is before us and we don't always have the class time to teach sustained lessons.
Meanwhile, I couldn't resist the following comments.
Shirley, what a thoughtful response - now teachers can use the two essay's above AND your response. I love how you further problematize the discussion. I am a bit dyslexic so spelling is a bear but don't know that we need to blow up the language just yet - I'm all for evolution over revolution! Thanks for the addl. ed.
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