I'm a graduate student teaching assistant at CSU and I'm working on my freshman composition curriculum for next year. A group of us are designing a program all around pop culture, studying media, film, the internet, and current trends in pop culture. The students writing assignments include a summary, letter, a bibliography, an academic argument, and a local inquiry report.
Does anyone have any tips or ideas right off the bat on things I might want to include?
I'm using some readings from Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Readers as well as a rhetoric.
I'd really like to use some websites for current, constantly updated things. Especially for them to pick a recipient of a letter. I'm thinking "Car Guys" or something on NPR...
I have been teaching this for two years, so I some advice for you, but can't completely comment at the moment (getting ready to send off my thesis. However, I just found a post-structuralist analysis of a Subway commercial I may use next year. http://kardiackid.blogspot.com/2007/12/post-structuralist-analysis-...