Wondering if anyone has any video clip ideas that are humorous to show at the beginning of graduate level education classes? Education graduate students need something light/humorous after being in their student teaching placements/other jobs prior to getting into the class.
I have already used the Jerry Seinfeld/SNL skit, Rodney Dangerfield reading Dylan Thomas, and a wonderful video about reading from a school in Florida. Anyone got anything in their arsenal?
It's not a video, but I direct the Grads I work with to PhD Comics: They always seem to like it, even if I can't get a link to work here for some odd reason.
I also recommend that they watch "Rosecrans and Gildenstern are Dead," and pay close attention to the tennis match.
Oh, and I had to give up on any hopes of a PhD. I have a mortgage instead. My Chair was very blunt and told me that if I did persue a Phd I would probably lose my job because we already had all the senior staff we were allocated by the State. Oh, well...20+years as a military trainer/instructor/teacher have to count for something.
How about dark humor? Perhaps you've seen the music video "Not on the Test" by Tom Chapin. One can choose to laugh or cry or both. I choose the first to get me through my day. Whichever one is your choice, it's short, pithy and makes for great conversation.
I've attached it below as well as providing a link. The link is on Teacher Tube and starts with an ad unless you have membership. It's also on YouTube if you'd like to see it without commercial.