Making Curriculum Pop

Wondering if anyone has any video clip ideas that are humorous to show at the beginning of graduate level education classes? Education graduate students need something light/humorous after being in their student teaching placements/other jobs prior to getting into the class.

I have already used the Jerry Seinfeld/SNL skit, Rodney Dangerfield reading Dylan Thomas, and a wonderful video about reading from a school in Florida. Anyone got anything in their arsenal?


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Humm, how about "Idiocracy" introduction - the future of human evolution
This is funny in a rather sadistic way.

BTW Ryan, where are you in your doctorate journey?

I am in year 4.5. I am pretty sure I will die before I get my chair to approve anything I write.

Also, you might want to specify the theme above (edit discussion) you're looking for but I love these Norwegian vids.
1. About the excitement of teaching STEM
2. VIDEO: Medieval helpdesk (with English subtitles)
It's not a video, but I direct the Grads I work with to PhD Comics: They always seem to like it, even if I can't get a link to work here for some odd reason.

I also recommend that they watch "Rosecrans and Gildenstern are Dead," and pay close attention to the tennis match.

Oh, and I had to give up on any hopes of a PhD. I have a mortgage instead. My Chair was very blunt and told me that if I did persue a Phd I would probably lose my job because we already had all the senior staff we were allocated by the State. Oh, well...20+years as a military trainer/instructor/teacher have to count for something.
There is always the kiwi commercial - to underscore the importance of developing relationships with your students...
This was a hit. Already used this term. Thanks, though.
Karen also made me think of this short film for talking about decoding a text. What is happening students?

How about dark humor? Perhaps you've seen the music video "Not on the Test" by Tom Chapin. One can choose to laugh or cry or both. I choose the first to get me through my day. Whichever one is your choice, it's short, pithy and makes for great conversation.

I've attached it below as well as providing a link. The link is on Teacher Tube and starts with an ad unless you have membership. It's also on YouTube if you'd like to see it without commercial.
Oh! I forgot about this one! I already did assessment for this semester... but will definitely use it next semester. Love it.

Here's one that applies to classroom reward systems. i used it in my classroom management class. It's from The Office:






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