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TV: Three Scientists Walk Into A BarTitle: “3 Scientists Walk Into A Bar”Channel: The Weather Channel (check local listings for cable channel, day and time in your area)When:… Started by Frank W. Baker |
0 | Sep 10, 2015 |
TED-ED: Could we actually live on Mars? - Mari ForoutanCould we actually live on Mars? - Mari ForoutanAnimation by Nick HilditchThere's a lot of talk these days about when and how we might al… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Aug 29, 2015 |
TEACHER'S GUIDE: Zen Pencils ComicsFor those of you not familiar with Zen Pencils, I share Australian-based artist Gavin Aung Than's comics of famous quotes around the Ning -… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Aug 29, 2015 |
VIDEO: America's Only Metric HighwayGreat short video (CNN does not let you embed LINK HERE ) plus a great discussion of the history of our relationship with the metric system… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Aug 16, 2015 |
EXHIBIT: KIDS WEAR TURD HATS AND JUMP INTO GIANT LOO TO LEARN HOW TOILETS WORKYes, this may be the best post on a learning experience I've posted all year! Full article (mostly pics) here for totally awesome Japanese… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Aug 4, 2015 |
PROJECT + RESOURCE: Ecohackers + Public LabCaught this interesting story at the Hechinger Report... I have not quite wrapped my head around the Pubic Lab website (not super elegant)… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Aug 2, 2015 |
ARTICLE/BOOKS: The Cognitive Benefits of DoodlingIn addition to the rage of adult coloring books (see Coloring Books for Existential Angst and For Adults, Coloring Invites Creativity And B… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Aug 1, 2015 |
BOOK: Object Lessons - The Teaching Tools of 19th-century Life ScienceCool looking book for art, science, history and education buffs! From The Guardian review: If there is one takeaway message from Object L… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Jul 13, 2015 |
TED-ED Animation: What’s the big deal with gluten?What’s the big deal with gluten? - William D. CheyAnimation by Stretch Films, Inc.If you've been to a restaurant in the last few years,… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Jun 26, 2015 |
TED-ED ANIMATION: The math behind Michael Jordan’s legendary hang timeThe math behind Michael Jordan’s legendary hang time - Andy Peterson and Zack PattersonAnimation by Oxbow CreativeMichael Jordan’s legen… Started by Ryan Goble |
0 | Jun 26, 2015 |
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