An interesting collection of film guides from Amnesty:
Film Curriculum Guides
War Dance is a documentary film that follows students from war-torn northern Uganda to the National Music Festival in the nation's capital, Kampala. This powerful and uplifting film addresses many human rights issues endemic to conflict, from internally displaced persons to child soldiers while highlighting the role that music and dance plays in these children's lives. To purchase a copy of the film, please visit our partners at
Shine Global.

The Human Rights Education program of AIUSA and Participant Productions are proud to present the companion curriculum guide for the film The Kite Runner, due out in theaters December 2007. The Kite Runner is adapted from the bestselling novel by Khaled Hosseini which explores the friendships of two boys in Afghanistan. The companion curriculum guide is a comprehensive teaching tool that includes five lesson plans designed to give learners a deeper understanding of the themes presented in the film.

Born into Brothels is an Academy Award winning documentary film about youth empowerment and the transformative power of art and education. This companion curriculum guide is geared towards both middle and high school learners and contains various lesson plans and activities that explore the major themes of the film. The Human Rights Education program would like to thank the wonderful people at
Kids with Cameras for their collaboration on this project.

Darfur Now is a documentary about the struggles and achievements of six different individuals from inside Darfur and around the world that brings to light the tragedy in Sudan and shows how the actions of one person can make a difference to millions.
Amnesty International USA has put together a teacher's guide to accomany the Warner Brother's production
Blood Diamond. The teacher's guide includes lesson plans, a glossary, discussion questions and materials for further study. The guide provides students with insight to explore individual as well as collective and social responsibility. The Human Rights Education Program would like to thank Rebecca Catron, Alison Cordeiro, Adriane Alicea, Melissa Robinson, and Amy O'Meara for helping conceive and create this resource.
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The Human Rights Education program of AIUSA is proud to present a companion curriculum to the recent film Catch a Fire, directed by Phillip Noyce. Both the film and companion guide address themes of justice and reconciliation, as well as motivators for social change and the concepts of personal and collective responsibility. The companion guide includes three lesson plans as well as discussion questions geared towards high school and college aged students
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Download Tips for Using Film in Educational Settings (In PDF), a helpful list of ways to make the most out of using film to support your educational and advocacy goals.