Making Curriculum Pop

Dear friends,colleagues, and MC Poppers,

I'm excited to share with you news of our extended call for entries for the 2nd Annual Social Issue Media Festival -- now due February 14th!  Last year, we featured ten films produced by educators, graduate students, and researchers from the Columbia University community (collection can be found here:  This year, we have opened up the festival to the world (!) and we are actively seeking socially conscious media submissions from media makers around the globe -- amateurs to pros, diy-ers to video geeks, and everyone in between.  We hope to curate a festival that once again promotes nuanced and thoughtful dialogue about a range of issues that are of interest to a wide audience.  In particular, we hope to push the conversation about education inside and outside of school, especially at a time when classrooms, schools, and curricula have a starring role in a number of popular documentary films. 

Please consider submitting an entry for this year's media festival -- and please share this announcement far and wide with your friends, students, colleagues, communities, and beyond!  (Social media embed options available on our website:

Warm wishes for a happy and healthy 2011!



It's here again~

3 Minute Media presents the Second Annual Teachers College Social Issue Media Festival. The festival is an opportunity for you to voice your opinions on a social issue of your choice.

So what's social issue media? For the purposes of this festival we are referring to digital, multimedia artifacts (e.g., video, audio podcast, digital story) that call raise awareness about a social issue with the intention of evoking social action.

So how do you participate? It's pretty simple:
- Open to anyone (If you are under 18 years old, parent permission is required)
- Entries must be submitted by MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2011 (DEADLINE EXTENDED)
- Entries must be under 3 minutes in length

All entries are eligible for jury awards! 

For more information and complete participation guidelines, please visit us at or email us at

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