Making Curriculum Pop

Wondering why and when to incorporate movies into your curriculum? Teaching film in the classroom in ways that are meaningful and authentic are made easy with this 45-minute online event featuring NCTE author and consultant John Golden.  John will provide fresh ideas and innovative activities
for teaching film in today's digital environment.

Date September 22
Two webinar times  4pm and 8pm ET

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Hey Frank:

Thanks for posting this. The occasion for the NCTE webinar is the 40th anniversary of Masterpiece Theatre (though we're supposed to call it only "Masterpiece" now) and a brand-new teachers' guide Film in the Classroom that they have developed. The first edition of the guide, written quite a few years ago, was very good, but this one is even more expansive. While a lot of the references are to Masterpiece films of course, the strategies and exercises that the guide's writer, Katherine Schulten, who also does a lot on the phenomenal New York Times Learning Network blog, are applicable to all film. My portion of the webinar will be about 20-25 min. on using film terminology and ways to compare print and film texts. The remainder of the session will be learning about the free resources that Masterpieces has available, and for Q and A. Hope to "see" of you all there. Thanks again, Frank. 

Dear Frank, thank you very much for your announce this significant event. I made my registration but there is a little problem about synchronize time and date for international attendants. I need to tell you and John here that; If there would be an online time and date converter for rookies (like as me) it's very appreciated.

Thanks indeed,

Ibrahim E. Bilici



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